Accused Clergy
The list below identifies Diocesan priests who were the subject of credible allegations of sexual abuse of minors and the current status of each.

Ackerson, Francis
Status: Deceased

Bender, Joseph
Status: Deceased

Biller, Harold
Status: Deceased

Boyle, John
Status: Deceased

Bunn, James
Status: Decesaed

Carroll, Thomas M.
Status: Deceased

Coleman, Dennis
Status: Deceased

Crouse, William
Status: Deceased

Figurelle, Elwood F.
Status: Deceased

Gaborek, Joseph
Status: Laicized

Grattan, Bernard V.
Status: Deceased

Koharchik, George D.
Status: Laicized

Kovach, William
Status: Deceased

Lemmon, Thomas (Deacon)
Status: Deceased

Luddy, Francis
Status: Deceased

Maurizio, Joseph D.
Status: Incarcerated

McCaa, Franics
Status: Deceased

McCamley, Martin D.
Status: Removed from Public Ministry

O’Friel, Daniel
Status: Deceased

Rosensteel, William A.
Status: Deceased

Skupien, James
Status: Deceased

Strittmatter, Joseph
Status: Deceased
The following list identifies Diocesan priests who have been placed on leave from public ministry by the Bishop of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown as a result of receipt of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor. This measure remains in effect until a final decision is reached concerning the allegation.
•Arsenault, Father David
•Bodziak, Father Charles (Deceased)
•Cingle, Father Martin
•Coveney, Father James
•Dusza, Father Donald
•*Gergel, Stephen J.(Deceased) •Kelly, Father Robert (Deceased)
•Little, Monsignor Anthony
•*Mancini, Nicholas J.
•Mazur, Monsignor Robert
•Misurda, Father Matthew
•Petracca, Father Anthony (Deceased) •Rizzo, Father David
*Denotes priests who were already retired when an allegation against them was received