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Adult Enrichment

Adult Enrichment helps adults continue to learn about their faith through short-term courses. With these courses, one gains a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith and how to merge it into family, work, and social life.

If you last received formal education in your faith in grade school or high school, these courses have been developed with you in mind. The outcomes are spiritual formation, a greater love of your faith, and the development of communication and leadership skills.

You are invited to choose any course of interest. Although you will participate in classes with individuals enrolled in our Lay Ecclesial Ministry formation program, you need not follow the same sequence of courses.

Adult Enrichment and Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office

Deacon Michael Russo

Jessica Gramling

Administrative Assistant

2025 Class Schedule

Christian Bio-Ethics

Registration deadline is on February 18, 2025

History of the Catholic Church in the U.S.


2024-25 Class Schedule

Sacred Scripture Revisited and Synoptic Gospels

A theological examination of the biblical record of God’s saving interaction with His people through His Word, Jesus. A general introduction to the Scriptures through an analysis of their forms and content. Some emphasis will also be given to biblical scholarship, the nature of exegesis hermeneutics, and literary tools for biblical study

Moral Theology

Year One

New Testament

This course introduces some of the major features of the New Testament, such as Jewish and Graeco-Roman background, Pauline Letters, the Gospels of Matthew/Mark/Luke/John, Acts of the Apostles, and the Book of Revelations.

Living Your Strengths

The Living Your Strengths journey focuses on identifying and developing one’s talents, which are God’s gifts to each individual. The seven-week course is a journey in discovering these unique God-given talents, recognizing those same talents in others, and learning how to apply the knowledge in one’s parish and personal life.

Christian Prayer and Spirituality (via Zoom)

Exploring both traditional and contemporary expressions of Christian prayer and spirituality. Participants will study the Spiritual Exercises developed by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, which is a compilation of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices to help one deepen their relationship with God. Also, the practice of Lectio Divina – Latin for “sacred reading” – a method of prayer and spiritual reading to help discover God’s will in all things.

Sacraments (via Zoom)

Introduces a post-Vatican II theology of the Sacraments within the context of Christology, Ecclesiology, and Ministry. The history of the sacraments in this context is also covered.

Heart of Faith

Adult Catholics must be well-informed in the four pillars of the Catechism if they are to effectively catechize children, teens, and young adults. The Heart of Faith class focuses on the Creed, the Sacraments, Christian life, and prayer, and reflects the unity of the Catholic faith as well as the richness of its lived expression in American culture

Wisdom Literature and Psalms


The following class will be a ZOOM Class and will be open to all!

Wisdom Literature and Psalms taught by Deacon Michael Russo via ZOOM. Thursdays from 6:00 PM-8:30 PM (Running for 6 Weeks) and one Wednesday class beginning August 22, 2024

To register for this class please visit, see your Parish Secretary for a Registration form (can also be accessed by clicking the button below) or contact Jessica, Office of Adult Enrichment and Lay Ecclesial Ministry at (814) 361-2000

All are welcome!

Year Two

Church History

This course introduces some of the major features of the New Testament, such as Jewish and Graeco-Roman background, Pauline Letters, the Gospels of Matthew/Mark/Luke/John, Acts of the Apostles, and the Book of Revelations.

Old Testament

This course introduces participants to some of the major features of the Old Testament: the Bible in history and history in the bible; the Torah, the heart and soul of the Old Testament; the book of Genesis, Prophetic Literature – Isaiah and his companions, the word of David; wisdom literature, and prayer in the Old Testament.

Other Classes and Events

More information coming soon!

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