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About Our Speaker

Steve Angrisano is an internationally recognized Catholic composer, presenter and passionate music missionary. Always rooted in humility and faithfulness, Steve’s highly effective and authentic style of ministry springs from his deep love for Jesus Christ. He has traveled around the world for over two decades sharing his unique blend of humor, story and song. Whether it’s at parish missions, youth events, concerts, staff retreats or music workshops, Steve loves working with local ministry teams to bring new life and passion to their Catholic communities.
A veteran musician, composer and keynote speaker, Steve has been featured at 10 World Youth Days, emceed three National Catholic Youth Conferences (2005, 2007, 2009) and served as choir director for the youth scola at NCYC 2021. He has led the house band for the Christ Our Life conference in Des Moines, Iowa, since 2016. He served as a keynote speaker for the Australian Youth Festival in 2017 and 2019. He was honored to serve as emcee when Pope John Paul II visited St Louis in 1999. Steve has presented primary talks, music and workshops at the pro-life rally in Washington D.C., Franciscan University Conferences, National Pastoral Musicians Conference, National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, Los Angeles Religious Education Conference and countless other events.
Beyond large-scale events, Steve’s passion, heart and daily work is dedicated to presenting parish missions, leading groups to the Holy Land and composing music for OCP (which he has been doing for 25 years). 2020 saw the release of Let Us All Rejoice, modern musical settings of the Entrance and Communion Antiphons written with Sarah Hart and Curtis Stephan. The project received an Association of Catholic Publishers 2021 Excellence in Publishing Award. Steve has received national awards in recognition for his work with youth from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in 2012 and for his work with the pro-life movement from the Archdiocese of Washington DC in 2011. Steve’s “Live, Songs from the Road” CD, one of his many recorded collections, was awarded the Unity Award for praise and worship recording of the year in 2008.
Steve holds an M.A. in theology as well as a graduate specialization certificate in sacramental and liturgical theology from Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. He also holds a B.A. in marketing from the University of Texas at Austin.
Steve’s first love and vocation is his wife Jenni Angrisano, and their three children and four grandchildren.
Visit, to view Steve’s website, which has more information and content.

Workshop Details

It’s not enough to teach our young people about God, we need to provide them with opportunities that draw them into an experience with God, an experience they yearn to share with the world. The youth that we encounter in our parishes as part of catechesis, youth ministry and sacramental preparation are ready for this challenge. Participants will explore ways to engage youth to live the Word, share the Word, and BE the next generation of faith-filled disciples.
This will be an informative workshop for Parish DRE’s, Youth Ministers, catechists, Catholic school teachers, Sacramental Prep teams, or anyone who would like to learn more about how to help form the young disciples we need to carry our church forward!

Additional Information

When: Saturday, October 26th, 2024 – 9:00am to 11:30am

Where: Bishop Carroll High School Cafeteria, Ebensburg

Cost: $10 for an individual, $8 if registering five or more people from the same parish

To register: click here or scan the QR code below to register

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